Thursday, October 9, 2008

Playing Catch Up

Title says it all. Sorry, I am about 3 months behind in the happenings of our family so this should catch everyone up.

Let's see the last post was from the end of June so starting with July here goes. Jaron turned 4 on July 6th and I turned 28 on the 10th. We had a big party for Jaron in my mom's beautiful backyard. We set up a water slide and the kids had a blast. I will post some pics later of the day. We celebrated my birthday that day too, it was fun.

The end of July was spent packing..yup we moved to Roy. We are very happy in our new house and city. We are closer to Jaron's school and Brian's work. There is a park just 3 houses down that the kids love and so do I because they get there wiggles out. We still aren't completely unpacked but we are getting there. Overall August was a very busy month for us. We moved, Jaron started school and I decided to go back to school as well. As for Jaron, he loves his class. It is no surprise because it is a class with all boys. Most of them from his class last year so he already knew them. He does very well and I know he will be fine next year in Kindergarten. Holy cow I can't believe I just said Kindergarten and next year in the same sentence. They grow so fast. As for me I decided to get my BS degree online in Marketing Management. I am going through Western Governors University. It is going great, I passed my first class last week.

September was just as crazy, we helped our best friends move to Boise, Id. It was sad to see them go as they were some of our closest friends. They have a little boy that is 6 days younger than Jaron and they are the best of friends. It has been very hard on Jaron to not have them close enough to see on a regular basis. We have plans to see them for Halloween so that will be fun.

In addition to that we celebrated Kaitlyn's 1st birthday. I can't believe she is 1 already. We had a great get together at our house. Kaitlyn had a blast with all her gifts and especially her chocolate cake. I will post pics of her party as well.

That brings us pretty much up to date. We are now getting ready to celebrate Jason's 2nd birthday next week. I can't believe how quickly the year goes by. I am taking him for his pictures next week and I am also taking the kids' Halloween costumes so we can get some shots of the 3 kids, so I will post those when I get them back.

The future holds some exciting things for us. In just a few weeks I will be heading to Ft. Worth, TX to see one of my best friends. It will be just me so it will be a much needed vacation, but I know I will miss the kids and Brian very much. At the same time I can't wait! Brian and I are planning to go on a 2nd Honeymoon in February. We were able to get a trip to Cancun through his work for a very reasonable price so we decided we deserved to take a vacation. I am so looking forward to it.

I guess that is all for now. I will post the pictures I have talked about so you can all see how much the kids have grown, it is just crazy.