Tuesday, June 22, 2010

I wish.....

I am sure everyone does but, do you ever wish you could be more like someone in different aspects of your life? For example this blogging thing, I so wish I could be more like my sister and keep up on the blog thing. It is such a great idea to keep family and friends informed on what is up in your life, but for whatever reason I can't keep up. I start, then i forget or am too lazy to get on and write, so there ends up being 1 post every year or so. How do you bloggers out there do it? Another aspect I am frustrated with is organization, can someone please help me?? I can't sleep right now because I have so much to think about with moving and all that needs to be done. Have the time I am super scatter brained then too overwhelmed to do any of it. Argg! Frustrating! K, i am done for now because all I am doing is ranting. I will do my best to be back soon to fill you in on what is going on with the Worthley 5 these days. Good night.