Friday, June 27, 2008

Happy Birthday Grandma

A week ago today we were surprising Grandma in California at almost this very moment. We left Utah at 9 pm Thursday night and drove all night to get to Littlerock where Grandma was staying with Aunt Sheila. Grandma had no idea we were coming so you can imagine the look on her face when she saw us unloading the kids from the car at 7 am Friday morning. We spent the day just hanging out at Aunt Sheila's house while the kids got reaquainted with their aunt, cousin, and great grandma.

Saturday was Grandma's birthday, so there was a little party at Aunt Pammy's house. It was so nice to see everyone. Some we hadn't seen in a few years so it was really great. Saturday night we were able to take Grandma to dinner for her birthday. Aunt Pammy and Aunt Sheila were wonderful and watched the kids for us. It was so nice to spend that extra time with Grandma without the kids running around.

We left California on Sunday afternoon. Jaron didn't want to leave, he wanted to stay with his cousin Megan. He had so much fun with her. We drove and got home around 2:30 am Monday. Poor Brian had to be up at 4:00 am for work so he was exhausted to say the least. It has taken us all week to recoup after the whirlwind weekend. But it was worth it to see Grandma so happy. Happy Birthday Grandma!!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Happy Father's Day

So this last weekend was Father's Day and overall it was a pretty good weekend. It started on Saturday when Brian and his friend Neil took little Neil and Jaron to Rocky Mountain Raceways. The boys had a blast watching all the "super fast cars" as Jaron put it. I was surprised the boys lasted as long as they did. They left at 3 pm and didn't get home till a little after 9 pm. As for me I went to the mall and enjoyed how easy it was with only 2 kids. Then I went and spent the rest of the day with Shiloh. We definatly enjoyed the peace and quiet.

Sunday we let Brian sleep in and when he got up the boys gave big hugs and kisses and gave him their homemade presents. I helped them to put their handprints and footprints on paper then I found poems to go with each of them.

Jaron's had his handprints on it and here is the poem I added to it:

Hand Prints
Sometimes you get discouraged because I am so small
And always leave my finger prints on furniture and walls
But everyday I'm growing, I'll be grown someday
And all those tiny hand prints will surely fade away
So here's a little hand print just so you can recall
Exactly how my fingers looked when I was so small

Jason's had a hand print and a foot print and his poem is as follows:

Daddy's Shoes
I love to wear your shoes Daddy, as you can clearly see
Pretending I'm as big as you for soon that day will be
I hope to be like you someday
Strong, Patient, Full of love
You're the greatest dad on Earth with quite the shoes to fill.

Kaitlyn's was her footprints and here is her poem:

Walk with me Daddy
Walk alongside me Daddy and hold my little hand
I have so many things to learn that I don't understand
Every child needs a gentle hand to guide them as they grow
So walk alongside me Daddy we have a long way to go.

He loved them and seemed surprised that I was a little creative. HAHA I also made him a music cd with some favorite songs of his that remind him of the kids. I made him breakfast then we headed down to Ron and Kit's for a visit. That was nice then we went up to my folks house to see my Dad. Overall it was a pretty good day especially since the Lakers decided to squeek a win out and put off Boston getting the championship for at least another game.

That's all for now, I will be back with more later this week.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Ahh....8 pm

It is 8:01 pm, 2 kids are in bed and the oldest will be following soon...Relax time!

Today was cleaning day, YUCK! I really dislike cleaning especially when I know what a pain it is to keep the kids occupied while I do it and when I know how quickly it gets messed up again. But I accomplished most of what I set out to do. So I guess that makes it a good day.

Brian didn't get home till after 5 pm which once he ate dinner he was already late for school. So we have seen him for all of about 15 minutes today. Poor guy. After dinner I sat with the kids and played. It was so funny. I was tickling Jaron and Jason's feet, and I looked up after Jason's turn and Jaron was using a hammer on his toes. When I asked what he was doing he said "hammering in my toes, so you can't take them off". It was too cute. He says some of the craziest things. It is probably good that I started this blog so I can write them here when they happen so I don't forget.

Ok well nothing else comes to mind that is exciting enough or worth writing about so I will stop now and be back later.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Worthley Kids

Blog Virgin, Can you tell??

So I am way behind the game but figured now is as good a time as any to join the blogging world. Not sure what I will write about besides the kids and husband because they are my life, so if you aren't too interested in normal family happenings then this could get boring. I am not real creative so what you see is what you get, nothing fancy.

Here goes....

Today I went to the dentist to get a temporary crown on a tooth that had to have a root canal. It wasn't too bad. I have horrible teeth and in the last 4 months I will have spent close to $1000 in dental work. Needless to say Brian is not too happy. Our stinking insurance only covers $1500 per individual per calender year so since I needed two root canals that was gone really quick! Since my sister was watching the kids for me I swung into Kid to Kid real quick since I had some in store credit. Found a couple cute things for Kaitlyn but nothing too exciting. Now we are home, Jaron is playing his computer games and the two little ones are napping.

Poor Jaron is missing preschool so much. Last night he asked me if when he wakes up in the morning does he get to go to school. When I told him no, he started to cry and tell me that he missed his friends. I felt so bad. He just can't wait to go back in August. I think that is why he is playing his computer more lately, he is going through learning withdrawls.

Well I guess it is time to get my butt off the couch and think about dinner. Brian will be off in an hour and he will be home long enough to eat then he is off to school. So I must have dinner ready and waiting for him.

Hope this first post wasn't too boring and you come back for more!

Ta ta for now!