Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Blog Virgin, Can you tell??

So I am way behind the game but figured now is as good a time as any to join the blogging world. Not sure what I will write about besides the kids and husband because they are my life, so if you aren't too interested in normal family happenings then this could get boring. I am not real creative so what you see is what you get, nothing fancy.

Here goes....

Today I went to the dentist to get a temporary crown on a tooth that had to have a root canal. It wasn't too bad. I have horrible teeth and in the last 4 months I will have spent close to $1000 in dental work. Needless to say Brian is not too happy. Our stinking insurance only covers $1500 per individual per calender year so since I needed two root canals that was gone really quick! Since my sister was watching the kids for me I swung into Kid to Kid real quick since I had some in store credit. Found a couple cute things for Kaitlyn but nothing too exciting. Now we are home, Jaron is playing his computer games and the two little ones are napping.

Poor Jaron is missing preschool so much. Last night he asked me if when he wakes up in the morning does he get to go to school. When I told him no, he started to cry and tell me that he missed his friends. I felt so bad. He just can't wait to go back in August. I think that is why he is playing his computer more lately, he is going through learning withdrawls.

Well I guess it is time to get my butt off the couch and think about dinner. Brian will be off in an hour and he will be home long enough to eat then he is off to school. So I must have dinner ready and waiting for him.

Hope this first post wasn't too boring and you come back for more!

Ta ta for now!