Tuesday, June 22, 2010

I wish.....

I am sure everyone does but, do you ever wish you could be more like someone in different aspects of your life? For example this blogging thing, I so wish I could be more like my sister and keep up on the blog thing. It is such a great idea to keep family and friends informed on what is up in your life, but for whatever reason I can't keep up. I start, then i forget or am too lazy to get on and write, so there ends up being 1 post every year or so. How do you bloggers out there do it? Another aspect I am frustrated with is organization, can someone please help me?? I can't sleep right now because I have so much to think about with moving and all that needs to be done. Have the time I am super scatter brained then too overwhelmed to do any of it. Argg! Frustrating! K, i am done for now because all I am doing is ranting. I will do my best to be back soon to fill you in on what is going on with the Worthley 5 these days. Good night.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

I am terrible....

So the last post I did was in October of last year and we are already half way through May..Holy Crap!!!

So what has been going on since then?? Well let's see, Christmas came and went it was great as always. The new year came and we were stuck at home with sick kiddos, that really sucked! February came and our best friends Neil and Shiloh moved back to Utah. That was great for all of us, especially Jaron because him and Lil Neil are so close. They also have a beautiful little girl that is Kaitlyn's age so those two play great too. March and April not too much going on, which brings up current to May. Lots going on this month, t-ball, graduation, camping, etc.

Now a little more specific about each of us..

Brian is still super busy with work and school. He is now working 50 hours a week and going to school 3 nights a week. And somewhere in there he finds time for the gym. I don't know how he does it sometimes, he is Superman I guess. We are headed down south this weekend for our first camping trip of the year so I know that will help him get some much needed rest and relaxation. This fall he will once again head out to hopefully take down a deer, he is really looking forward to it.

I keep pretty busy myself with the kids of course. I have also found my passion, exercising! I absolutely love the gym and working out there. We go almost every morning and I volunteer one morning a week in the daycare so I get daycare for my kids for free. It is just part of our routine now and I love it. Since November 2008, I have lost about 30 lbs, and 3 pant sizes. I am very happy about it, as I never thought I would fit into a size 10 again. I am still working on my degree in Marketing. I just started my second semester in March. It has gone great so far and hasn't been too hard, but I know the worst is yet to come.

Jaron is getting so grown up and is a very busy boy. He is graduating from preschool on the 21st of this month. I can't believe he is going into Kindergarten soon. He just finished his second season of Soccer and it makes me sad to say it will probably be his last. He found something he loves much more...T-ball. He started about a month ago and absolutely loves it! He plays twice a week and can't wait for the next game. He hits great, but has a hard time paying attention when they are in the infield, lol.

Jason is still my little guy. He is a mama's boy that is for sure. But he will still pass me up to watch his dad work on anything in the garage or on his truck. That boy is obsessed with tools, trucks, tractors and pretty much anything his dad is doing. He finally decided to start talking about 6 months ago, right after I had asked the dr if we should worry. Guess he just didn't have anything he cared to share with us, but now he talks like crazy. He will be starting preschool this fall, I am excited because he will be able to start with the 3 year olds even though he turns 3 in Oct. It will be great for him, he will love it!

Miss Kaitlyn, or should I say Princess, is the diva for sure. She has every boy in the house wrapped around her little finger. She is all girl, loves to dance, and sing, but she will still get down in the dirt and play with the boys. Since the boys will both be in school 2 days a week I am planning to sign her up for a dance class on one of those days. I can't wait!

I guess that is all the major stuff about our crazy world right now. I promise I will try and get here to update this thing more often.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Pictures from earlier entry

Playing Catch Up

Title says it all. Sorry, I am about 3 months behind in the happenings of our family so this should catch everyone up.

Let's see the last post was from the end of June so starting with July here goes. Jaron turned 4 on July 6th and I turned 28 on the 10th. We had a big party for Jaron in my mom's beautiful backyard. We set up a water slide and the kids had a blast. I will post some pics later of the day. We celebrated my birthday that day too, it was fun.

The end of July was spent packing..yup we moved to Roy. We are very happy in our new house and city. We are closer to Jaron's school and Brian's work. There is a park just 3 houses down that the kids love and so do I because they get there wiggles out. We still aren't completely unpacked but we are getting there. Overall August was a very busy month for us. We moved, Jaron started school and I decided to go back to school as well. As for Jaron, he loves his class. It is no surprise because it is a class with all boys. Most of them from his class last year so he already knew them. He does very well and I know he will be fine next year in Kindergarten. Holy cow I can't believe I just said Kindergarten and next year in the same sentence. They grow so fast. As for me I decided to get my BS degree online in Marketing Management. I am going through Western Governors University. It is going great, I passed my first class last week.

September was just as crazy, we helped our best friends move to Boise, Id. It was sad to see them go as they were some of our closest friends. They have a little boy that is 6 days younger than Jaron and they are the best of friends. It has been very hard on Jaron to not have them close enough to see on a regular basis. We have plans to see them for Halloween so that will be fun.

In addition to that we celebrated Kaitlyn's 1st birthday. I can't believe she is 1 already. We had a great get together at our house. Kaitlyn had a blast with all her gifts and especially her chocolate cake. I will post pics of her party as well.

That brings us pretty much up to date. We are now getting ready to celebrate Jason's 2nd birthday next week. I can't believe how quickly the year goes by. I am taking him for his pictures next week and I am also taking the kids' Halloween costumes so we can get some shots of the 3 kids, so I will post those when I get them back.

The future holds some exciting things for us. In just a few weeks I will be heading to Ft. Worth, TX to see one of my best friends. It will be just me so it will be a much needed vacation, but I know I will miss the kids and Brian very much. At the same time I can't wait! Brian and I are planning to go on a 2nd Honeymoon in February. We were able to get a trip to Cancun through his work for a very reasonable price so we decided we deserved to take a vacation. I am so looking forward to it.

I guess that is all for now. I will post the pictures I have talked about so you can all see how much the kids have grown, it is just crazy.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Happy Birthday Grandma

A week ago today we were surprising Grandma in California at almost this very moment. We left Utah at 9 pm Thursday night and drove all night to get to Littlerock where Grandma was staying with Aunt Sheila. Grandma had no idea we were coming so you can imagine the look on her face when she saw us unloading the kids from the car at 7 am Friday morning. We spent the day just hanging out at Aunt Sheila's house while the kids got reaquainted with their aunt, cousin, and great grandma.

Saturday was Grandma's birthday, so there was a little party at Aunt Pammy's house. It was so nice to see everyone. Some we hadn't seen in a few years so it was really great. Saturday night we were able to take Grandma to dinner for her birthday. Aunt Pammy and Aunt Sheila were wonderful and watched the kids for us. It was so nice to spend that extra time with Grandma without the kids running around.

We left California on Sunday afternoon. Jaron didn't want to leave, he wanted to stay with his cousin Megan. He had so much fun with her. We drove and got home around 2:30 am Monday. Poor Brian had to be up at 4:00 am for work so he was exhausted to say the least. It has taken us all week to recoup after the whirlwind weekend. But it was worth it to see Grandma so happy. Happy Birthday Grandma!!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Happy Father's Day

So this last weekend was Father's Day and overall it was a pretty good weekend. It started on Saturday when Brian and his friend Neil took little Neil and Jaron to Rocky Mountain Raceways. The boys had a blast watching all the "super fast cars" as Jaron put it. I was surprised the boys lasted as long as they did. They left at 3 pm and didn't get home till a little after 9 pm. As for me I went to the mall and enjoyed how easy it was with only 2 kids. Then I went and spent the rest of the day with Shiloh. We definatly enjoyed the peace and quiet.

Sunday we let Brian sleep in and when he got up the boys gave big hugs and kisses and gave him their homemade presents. I helped them to put their handprints and footprints on paper then I found poems to go with each of them.

Jaron's had his handprints on it and here is the poem I added to it:

Hand Prints
Sometimes you get discouraged because I am so small
And always leave my finger prints on furniture and walls
But everyday I'm growing, I'll be grown someday
And all those tiny hand prints will surely fade away
So here's a little hand print just so you can recall
Exactly how my fingers looked when I was so small

Jason's had a hand print and a foot print and his poem is as follows:

Daddy's Shoes
I love to wear your shoes Daddy, as you can clearly see
Pretending I'm as big as you for soon that day will be
I hope to be like you someday
Strong, Patient, Full of love
You're the greatest dad on Earth with quite the shoes to fill.

Kaitlyn's was her footprints and here is her poem:

Walk with me Daddy
Walk alongside me Daddy and hold my little hand
I have so many things to learn that I don't understand
Every child needs a gentle hand to guide them as they grow
So walk alongside me Daddy we have a long way to go.

He loved them and seemed surprised that I was a little creative. HAHA I also made him a music cd with some favorite songs of his that remind him of the kids. I made him breakfast then we headed down to Ron and Kit's for a visit. That was nice then we went up to my folks house to see my Dad. Overall it was a pretty good day especially since the Lakers decided to squeek a win out and put off Boston getting the championship for at least another game.

That's all for now, I will be back with more later this week.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Ahh....8 pm

It is 8:01 pm, 2 kids are in bed and the oldest will be following soon...Relax time!

Today was cleaning day, YUCK! I really dislike cleaning especially when I know what a pain it is to keep the kids occupied while I do it and when I know how quickly it gets messed up again. But I accomplished most of what I set out to do. So I guess that makes it a good day.

Brian didn't get home till after 5 pm which once he ate dinner he was already late for school. So we have seen him for all of about 15 minutes today. Poor guy. After dinner I sat with the kids and played. It was so funny. I was tickling Jaron and Jason's feet, and I looked up after Jason's turn and Jaron was using a hammer on his toes. When I asked what he was doing he said "hammering in my toes, so you can't take them off". It was too cute. He says some of the craziest things. It is probably good that I started this blog so I can write them here when they happen so I don't forget.

Ok well nothing else comes to mind that is exciting enough or worth writing about so I will stop now and be back later.